vendredi 29 janvier 2010

Pig house at Tomb!

Tomb has the best pig in farmer school here in Norway. i worked there with Alexander. he is the responsable of the pig houses. During my stay at tomb, i really focused on pig production. In this pig house, there are three houses, first house, the saw, then saw and piglets and the other young pig, with the futur saw.
i worked in all of those places. the main work was cleaning and giving food. And when there is special case, like encimination, i go there and assist with my team mate.

the big differences between Malagasy pig production and the Norwegian pig production are the uses of high technologie like the way of giving food.

Machin food

At Tomb, they use machin to give food but in Madagascar we uses hand for everything. And we still use some natural food for the pig.
one of the big difference as well is the weather. Norway is so cold country, that they have to elevate the pig inside houses, but in Madagascar, most of the time we do it in pigpen. and The pigs stay dry, the boxes will have a slope to the draining of urine into the gutter: 0.05 per meter. Slope gutters 1 to 2 per 100.and the pigpen is more open because Madagascar is really warm country.
it might be that the weather, and house are different. but the way of elevate is the same

ps: i will try to find out a pigpen in Madagascar and i will be publish it soon! :)

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